Meet Newness Creating Clean Energies for Energy Security
Utilizing renewable technologies to generate gas and power and save CO2 and the world.
Newness Energy...
Producing clean power and gas for national development
We are pioneers of renewable energy by conviction and choice that energy mix and net zero emission is achievable. Newness intends to develops and builds wind and solar farms as well as battery, hydrogen and synthetic natural gas projects in Nigeria. Newness's in-house specialist departments are positioned to work with EPC companies on all steps of project development and implementation: from site assessment, planning, engineering, permitting and financing to construction, grid connection, operational management and maintenance. A future worth living for future generations is our overarching goal.
Our Uniqueness
Some companies are planning to establish a renewable power generation plant through Wind turbine or Solar PV, but none currently exist to generate power to the national grid and there are currently no renewable power generation company in Nigeria with vision to create hydrogen and synthetic natural gas for distribution to CNG stations or natural gas networks.